Keep Your Braces in Great Shape and They Will Do the Same for You

Keep Your Braces in Great Shape and They Will Do the Same for You

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Keep your braces in great shape and they will do the same for you. If you are looking to improve your oral health while wearing braces, it is essential to continue practicing safe and effective oral hygiene habits throughout your treatment. Caring for your braces is also essential in ensuring they can continue doing their job effectively. For a basic rundown of potential options, consider the following quiz pertaining to caring for your orthodontic treatments:

You should consider trying orthodontic aligners if you suffer from which of the following?
a.) Malocclusions or bad bites
b.) Bruxism or TMJ
c.) A crooked smile
d.) All of the above

What are some supplementary treatment methods that can be used to help improve your orthodontic effectiveness?
a.) Use interdental cleaners such as water flossers in place of dental floss when it cannot reach between the teeth
b.) Wear safety equipment when necessary
c.) Both a and b
d.) None of the above

True or False: Orthodontic aligners only need to be cleaned once per year.
a.) True
b.) False

True or False: While wearing braces, additional levels of treatment, including mouthwash, are effective in keeping your teeth clean.
a.) True
b.) False

Answer Key: d, c, b, a
If you would like to set up an appointment with Dr. Rehana Khan at our orthodontic office in Santa Monica, California, please call us at 310-393-3344. Our team at Santa Monica Orthodontics looks forward to keeping your oral health in pristine condition.